Summer’s farewell to kindergarten (three weeks ago 🙈)!

Sweet Summer Elise, you are my shining star. You made it – I made it – we made it through a season that could have crushed us, but it made us stronger and brought us closer. I’m so proud of you and the beautiful person you continue to become. You entered kindergarten in your final stage of “little one” and emerged reading, writing, spelling, adding, subtracting, and bursting with curiosity and passion. Your thoughtfulness, reasoning, and joy make my heart swell.

I would be remiss not to acknowledge all of the people who made this year possible for us. I was terrified to begin breast cancer treatment late last summer for all of the obvious personal reasons, but more so, for how it would affect my baby physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. I can’t even name everyone that helped us, not only because I’m concerned I’d inadvertently miss someone, but because there were literally hundreds of you that rallied and rushed to our side.

From best friends to old friends to new friends who became close friends. From family to strangers to neighbors. From school communities to church communities to local folks and business communities. From people I’ve known my whole life to people I’ve never met but know my parents or my siblings or someone I care about.

I’ve never seen so many acts of kindness, generosity, selflessness, and support. That’s love. That’s family. That’s friendship. That’s community. That’s God. This is a group celebration and a resounding thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Now, can you imagine this first grader later in life with a stethoscope or a staff?!


I’m listening to: